Hurricane Ian Donors

The Volunteer Florida Foundation administers the Florida Disaster Fund, Florida’s private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster.

Activation: The fund is activated based on the declaration of a disaster by the Governor and approval by the Foundation Board of Directors (or its Executive Committee) to begin a fundraising effort.

Use of Funds: During and after the collection process and as immediate and longer-term needs are identified, the Executive Director of the Foundation, in discussion with staff and executive committee of the board of directors, will evaluate how to distribute the funds to non-profit entities between the two types of available grants.

Paypal/Braintree, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express generously waived their fees for those making a donation for Hurricane Ian recovery. 100% of every donation was used to help Floridians recover.

The list below represents all donors who have given to the Fund for Hurricane Ian as of February 14, 2024. A special thank you to all the businesses, organizations and individuals who donated. You have been instrumental in getting Floridians back on their feet.

Donor NameAmount Donated
5A Family Charitable Fund$50,000
ABC Fine Wine & Spirits$25,000
Abundant Life Ministries$25,000
Accenture LLP$29,800
ADS Foundation$25,000
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation$20,000
Allied Solutions, LLC.$25,000
Alvin L. Glick Foundation, Inc. and Arlo Steel$100,000
American Bankers Association$178,780
American Endowment Fund$100,000
American Express Foundation$100,000
American Online Giving Foundation$270,812
AmeriHealth Caritas$100,000
Anonymous Donors$6,869,516
Aurelia Papitto Charitable Fund$40,000
Bain Capital$100,000
Bank of America$237,000
BAPS Charities$25,000
Baptist Health South Florida$100,000
Barnett Family*$250,000*
Barnhill Family Foundation$20,000
Bayview Asset Management$100,000
Betty Joyce Dietzel $40,000
Blackbaud Giving Fund$27,657
Blackrock Charitable Fund$250,000
Boyle, Leonard, and Anderson$25,000
Braman Motors$50,000
Branden Grace$50,000
Brighthouse Life Insurance Company$50,000
Carmier Chartiable Foundation$25,000
Carol and Barneu Family Foundation$250,000
Carol Bernick$50,000
CFG Community Bank$100,000
Charles D. Berry Foundation$20,000
Charles Schwab$5,000,000
Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Company$50,000
Charter Communications/Spectrum$100,000
Chesapeake Utilities$25,000
Chris Young Foundation$100,000
Coca Cola$31,250
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham$50,000
Composites One, LLC$20,000
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation$500,000
Credit Card Donations$12,020,185
Crystal Motors$25,000
CSX Transportation$50,000
CVS Health$1,320,510
David Barber$100,000
Davis John Abraham$50,000
De Nicola, Anthony and Christie$100,000
Deanna Magdich$20,000
Delta Dental Community Care Foundation$150,000
Devos Family Foundation$250,000
Dola Hamilton-Stemburg Charitable Foundation$50,000
Dr. Ravi Chandra$25,000
DSF Charitable Foundation$100,000
Duke Energy$100,000
Elevance Health Foundation$100,000
Eric Scott Bottin Foundation$35,000
Expanded Technologies Inc.$75,000
Expedia Group$100,000
Fidelity Charitable$75,000
Fleet Advantage, LLC$25,130
Florida Banker’s Association$25,000
Florida Blue$1,000,000
Florida Business Development Corporation$50,000
Florida Crystals$250,000
Florida Family Insurance Company$25,000
Florida Manufactured Housing Association$50,000
Frank B Rosenberg$20,000
Franklin Templeton$25,000
George and Lisa Etheridge$30,000
George Warren, LLC.$40,000
Gregg and Freddy Goldenberg Family Foundation$50,000
Gulf Coast Honda Advertising Association$50,000
Gulf Hospitality Management, LLC$21,000
Gunther Motor Company of Plantation, Inc.$50,000
Hard Rock International$100,000
Harris Foundation$50,000
Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation$20,000
HCA Healthcare$1,000,000
Henry and Lisa Plain$25,000
Highway Engineering Exchange Program$50,000
Hit Promotional Products$100,000
HM Life Insurance Company$50,000
Horschel Family$50,000
Howard Milstein$250,000
Ian Mackechnie$1,000,000
ICI Homes Residential Holdings$50,000
IGT Global Solutions$100,000
Independent Beer Distributors Relief Fund$50,000
Jack Dwyer*$100,000*
James and Toni Turner Foundation$50,000
Jay Nicewonder$20,000
JM Family$50,000
John and Shirley Berry$20,000
John Childs$100,000
John W. Craft Foundation$100,000
Johnson Family Foundation$500,000
Johnson-Polios Foundation$100,000
JPMorgan Chase & Co.$300,000
Judith S. Davis$50,000
Kimco Realty$25,000
Lanza Family Foundation$25,000
Leading Edge Administrators$100,000
League of Southeastern Credit Unions$25,000
Leandro P. Rizzuto Foundation$100,000
LIV Golf$833,000
Lou Bachrodt$100,000
Lucy Gooding Charitable Foundation$100,000
Lynn Foster and Freiss*$50,000*
Lynyrd Skynyrd*$100,000*
Mahaffey Apartment Company$500,000
Mallory Blackburn$25,000
Margaret M. Ruffalo$24,875
Marianna and Edward Rabinovitch$25,000
Mattamy Homes$231,410
Melo-Hill Charitable Fund$50,000
Meritage Cares$50,000
Metal Industries Foundation, Inc.$20,000
Michael and Karen Bynum$25,000
Mike Patterson Construction, Inc.$200,000
Milton G. Hulme Charitable Foundation$20,000
Molina Healthplan$150,000
Morgan Stanley$30,022
Morse Charitable Foundation$20,000
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnhill$20,000
Mr. Carter on behalf of Ken Griffin$1,000,000
Mr. John Legere$25,000
Naples Girls Fastpitch Inc$486,000
Narvilla Rabe$20,000
National Christian Foundation$50,000
Nelson Peltz*$100,000*
New York Yankees$100,000
Nextera Energy Foundation$50,000
NextEra Energy Inc$94,836
NFL Foundation$250,000
Nomi Health$500,000
Northern Ohio Honda Dealers$50,000
Northern OPS$100,000
Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program$100,000
O’Neill Family Charitable Foundation$20,000
Only Fans$100,000
Orlando Sports Holdings, LLC$25,000
Pablito Almira Revocable Trust$20,000
Patricia Wilson$25,000
Paul and Mary McLaughlin$25,000
Pelicans (Match Golf Tournament)$1,143,000
Peyton Yates$50,000
Powerhouse Fund$20,000
Raymond James Financial, Inc. $50,000
Renate Florescue$50,000
Renee and Rom Reddy$100,000
Robert Bigelow$1,000,000
Robert E. Dods Family Foundation$25,000
Ronald Rabe$20,000
Rooms To Go$250,000
Row Crop, LLC$150,000
Rumble Video$100,000
Sally Sutherland$20,000
Sandra Moriarty$20,000
Savidge Family Foundation$20,000
Schwartz Wiekamp Foundation$25,000
Seminole Tribe/Hard Rock$100,000
Shahazad and Betty Mossanen$50,000
Shark Shootout Charities, Inc.$250,000
Simply Healthcare$400,000
Siri Rawson, Brandon Rawson and Rebekka Geldbart $30,000
Southeastern Credit Union Foundation$25,000
Sprouts Foundation$100,000
Stephen G. Blume$25,000
Stephen Locke$50,000
Still Unbroken, Inc.$100,000
Sun Air Parts, Inc.$20,000
Suncoast Credit Union$500,000
Sunshine Health through the Centene Charitable Foundation$1,000,000
Superior Construction Company$75,000
T&L Longe Charitable Foundation$50,000
Taiwan – Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Miami$300,000
Tampa Bay Buccaneers$125,000
TD Ameritrade$40,500
Ten Fingers Foundation$100,000
Tenet Healthcare Foundation$25,000
TEW Foundation$70,000
The Alvah H. & Wyline P. Chapman Foundation$20,000
The Benevity Community Impact Fund$116,436
The Berry Family Foundation$20,000
The Blackbaud Giving Fund$58,379
The Bruni Foundation$20,000
The Cody Foundation$25,000
The Gary and Catherine Graham Foundation$25,000
The Geo Group$50,000
The K to the Wind Foundation$100,000
The Korpman Foundation$100,000
The Mailman Foundation$100,000
The Miramar Charitable Fund*$100,000*
The Terranova Equestrian Foundation$24,940
The Terry & Susie Reardon Family Foundation Michael$20,000
The Wood Family Foundation$25,000
Thomas and Kristen Ritchie$100,000
Thomas Hamilton$20,000
Thunderdome Car Museum$150,000
Todd A. Felthaus$25,000
Tony and Carolina Romeo$50,000
TPS Group Holdings, LLC.$38,097
Trisons Foundation$350,000
TTEC Foundation$25,000
Tumer Broadcasting$260,000
United Health$1,000,000
Valley National Bank$25,000
Visa Foundation$87,730
VyStar Credit Union$25,000
W. Evans$20,000
W. Thomas Morgan III$25,000
Waldrop Family Charitable Fund$50,000
Wells Fargo$250,000
Westlake Royal Roofing$121,278
Willis and Reba Johnson Foundation$100,000
Zurich American Insurance Company$25,000
Note: Amounts marked with an asterisk (*) indicate donation amounts that have been committed.

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